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Summer School - Morningside Academy

Summer School

Summer School 2012

Monday July 9th - August 3rd 2012

Click here for our Summer School Application
Click here for our Summer School Brochure

Morningside Academy's unique program is internationally recognized and acclaimed for children and adults.

  • Students develop motivation, pride in their accomplishments, and build self esteem and self concept.
  • We build on existing academic skills, and tailor individualized and small-group instruction to meet each student's needs.
  • Our teachers know that all students can be successful given the proper curriculum placement, instructional materials and lots of opportunities to practice newly learned skills.
  • Our unique combination of research based methods, such as precision teaching, talk aloud problem solving, direct instruction, and strong classroom management leads to rapid academic progress for all of our students.

"Teaching is adjusted until the student is successful. No one falls through the cracks. Practicing skills until they are fluent may be the most important part of what we do. Speed and accuracy together is what "fluency" is all about." -Kent Johnson, Ph.D., Founding Director

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The Academic Build Up Program focuses on skill building in the following academic skill areas:

Composition, speaking, vocabulary, listening, spelling, grammar, handwriting, and organizational skills.
Decoding, phonemic awareness, comprehension, analytic reading, literature appreciation, and organizational skills.
From counting skills and arithmetic to algebra, focusing on problem-solving and computation, and organizational skills.
Content Course Prep.
Study skills, organizing materials, paper layout, proofreading, test taking, textbook use, reference books, memorizing, answering questions, note taking and more! For students at or above grade level and with proficient reading skills. (Grades 5-10). Want to boost your performance? Select this course as preparation for Middle School or High School.

Make school a breeze by building reading, writing, mathematics, study skills, thinking skills, and organizational skills. Small group instruction with Daily Report Cards sent home.

Program Details:

  • For students in grades 1-10
  • High school credit
  • AM and/or PM sessions

We will teach your child to:

  • become masterful at rigorous logical and analytical reasoning and problem solving skills.
  • learn the methods for moving successfully through the day with others- at work, at school, and in leisure time.
  • Build fluency in the scientific method of analyzing & synthesizing information.
  • Use prior knowledge to make useful predictions.


  • Four-week program
  • Monday, July 9th to Friday, August 3rd, 2012

  • Full-Day or Half-Day programs are available

  • School hours: Monday through Friday
    9:30 am to 12:15 pm
    1:00 pm to 3:45 pm

  • Select 2 - 4 weeks. Weeks need not be consecutive.

Tuition and Fees:

  • $120 Assessment and orientation fee
  • A minimum deposit of $500 for part-time or $1000 for full-time guarantees a place for your child once accepted. Your deposit will be applied to tuition due.

  • Tuition for the Half-Day program is $750 for two weeks, $1125 for three weeks, and $1500 for four weeks
  • Tuition for the Full-Day program is $1500 for two weeks, $2250 for three weeks, and $3000 for four weeks
  • Balance of tuition is due by May 1st, 2012.

  • Tuition paid to Morningside Academy may be tax-deductible as an unreimbursed medical expense.

Leisure Activities:

  • A program is available before and after classes at an additional fee.

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